Now, when going up against a yellowfin tuna fish, you will want to have as much rod-bend as possible as they are notorious for sounding or swimming deep when hooked. Big flies and poppers are generally used when targeting tuna off-shore. Thus a heavier rod is also needed to turn over the fly and make a decent shot. A 12-weight rod is perfect for this task as it has enough bending capacity to not break and to ensure you have enough fun, whilst at the same time having enough stiffness to keep that fish in close proximity and away from any luring predators. That being said, if you were to commit to just fishing for yellowfin tuna on the fly, stepping up to the larger sizes like your 14-16 weight range, one could turn this fish around a bit quicker.
Here are 2 flies that will always be in our guides’ boxes when on the hunt for a yellowfin tuna.